Monday, December 08, 2008

I'm Nonetheless the Librarian

I hate the Alkek a place to study. It's a giant cold box of doom. But it's 1:30 a.m. and I have no other feasible resort. I also forgot my headphones. Which is great because I am in the first floor (a.k.a. basement) lounge, the only place you can under the rules eat or drink anything in this hellish Orwellian future world. That also means there are vending machine noises, emo scene kid dude talking on his phone, people coughing because they probably have the flu...but hey it's finals week so I'm going to study. I've done that, it literally almost killed me. If you have the flu, talk to your professors, they would probably rather you take a make up exam than end up in the hospital with a severe and life-threatening (without hospitalization) case of pneumonia... unable to eat or drink anything. There's a TV on in the corner playing some extreme sports bloopers show. It and the internet are my only contact with the outside world from this cave inside the Balcones Escarpment. This once was an active fault line. It would be pretty cool if it got active again. It would rid the night of this monotony.


Anthony said...

and secretary's son.

that library sounds super neato.

Daniel Bakken said...

Jordan you bum. If you don't call or email soon, I'm coming down to Texas despite how unnaturally warm it is.

Daniel Bakken

Daniel Bakken said...

...and that would be no small accomplishment given the millions of cubic meters of snow between Northern Idaho and Central Texas.

Merry Humbug

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