Saturday, March 26, 2005

26 things I don't like about Texas

A couple of disclaimers here:

One - I generally like Texas, and often talk about the things that I like about the state

Two - Texas is a huge state, very few things can be true of the entire state so alot of what I'm saying are extreme generalizations.

Here goes:

1) People driving ridiculiously huge vehicles

2) Too many people claiming that it's the best place on Earth (it's not)

3) So many people who claim to hold "conservative" political views...mainly because their parent's do...and George W. is their "homeboy".

4) A culture that makes, in a lot of places, Christianity a "thing to do" and nothing more.

5) The hyper-suburbanization of the State...espeically in Dallas-Fort Worth and double-espeically in Houston.

6) Houston

7) In general the Eastern fourth of the State...the one part of the state that tries hard to identify itself with the awful, backward, ignorant, closed minded phenomenon that is/was the "old south"...while the rest of the State strives to allign itself with the progressive vision of the modern Southwest.


9) The utter disreguard for the environmental future of the State (this of course excludes Austin).

10) Tom Delay

11) The marrage of academics and athletic preformance, as well as people measuring schools purely on the proformace of their athetic teams...espeically in football...and giving academics very little reguard when choosing a school

12) The Houston Texans and the illegitimate arrogance of their fans...I mean, they're the last people in the sports world that should be arrogant about anything.

13) Truck commericals by Detroit-based Domestic auto manufacters that all but insult the state's intellegence and appeal to the lowest common hick denominator

14) The people who buy all of the huge trucks that make those annoying commericals a "success"

15) People buying huge trucks when they don't need them...espeically common among East Texans, but prevelent in any rural area of the State

16) Waco, the worst city in Texas over 100,000 people (I've been to all of them except Beaumont...from what I've heard about Beaumont though it might give Waco a run for this title).

17) Legalism in many of the state's churches

18) The frightening marrage of politics (The Republican Party) and religon (The church in Texas).

19) The idealogical homogeniety that dominates many parts of the state.

20) The crappy states that border Texas (I mean, when New Mexico is the best state that borders your state...that really sucks)

21) The lack of any semblence of good mass transit systems (exceptions are the DART light rail in Dallas and the good bus system in Austin)

22) The archaic rules that shape the State's government.

23) The disgustingly political redistricting plan that made Austin the largest city in the U.S. without true congressional represntation just because it votes a way that Tom Delay doesn't agree with.

24) The lottery, damn you Ann Richards for unleashing this plague on our state and lying to us saying that it would exclusivley fund the state's school system.

25) Texas Tech fans.

26) The outright worship of High School Football...I'm as big a football fan as the next guy...but it gets just too ridiculous here.


shimajan said...

you put "houston" on that list.. are you originally from texas? i think that's kind of harsh. (not that you care but i just felt like giving my 2 cents)

more importantly, if you're originally from texas and you leave for any other part of the country (or even the world) you'll realize how great texas is. driving in texas (particularly houston) is a breeze compared to hellish east coast driving. plus we don't have all those pretentious douche bags you find in california.

that said... carry on.

shimajan said...

i dont think it's supposed to be taken so literally. ;) although harlingen can be h-town as well. what do you think about referring to Austin as "the ATX?" people from all over DC constantly tell me they've heard Austin's a great city. (which it definitely is.)