Sunday, April 10, 2005

Expletives and Explinations

Much in the same way America lost the race to put a man in space to the Soviets, by waiting too long to take the risk to act on their capabilities and I have also lost the race, of sorts, to write a post on the topic of profanity to Michael Warren Rice.( ) Losing to Mr. Rice is not necessarily an insulting thing of course, but still, I hate to lose.

I have a problem with profanity. I say problem in the sense that in a culturally realitive way whenever I react to stress, anger, shock, suprise, disapointment and related things by dropping a random set of cutting expletives. This problem has actually worsened in the past couple of years. I am by no means a "casual" swearer, and the colorfulness of my language is a pretty direction reflection of how I am on the "happiness/sadness" scale. I tend to show restraint when I am around people that I want to like me (which is most people), but it seems that my ability to restrain myself even around them is getting weaker.

There is the question of what is profanity, and is it wrong? Or is it merely wrong because a culture says it is so...and does this in turn make it wrong? I can't answer that question. I don't know enough to, I can't assume anything. All I know is that this is a "problem" for me, and I need to correct it but I don't seem willing to take a step in that direction.

More on this coming soon.

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