Friday, April 01, 2005

Question Three: "Why Would Jesus Be A Democrat/Why Would Jesus Be A Republican?"

This is one of the least importiant debates that we could have, yet it garners so much attention. People naively spout of some policy that proves Jesus's American political party affiliation. I will now illustrate how ridiculious this really is.

Most commonly in this part of this country, people see Jesus as a leading firebrand Southern Baptist conservative giving a speech at the G.O.P. convention about something called moral values and protecting the Upper Middle Class suburban family from losing tax dollars to lower class inner city people who, as the God of the Universe, obviously dosen't love as much because they don't have as much material stuff...later that week Jesus Christ (R-Texas) is shown on Fox News taking a break from turning water into sparking grape juice to ride his Elephant (he's not a democrat, remember) into the palm branch covered streets of Washington D.C. to help pass an 11th hour Constitutional Amendendment banning gay marrage, because that's why he died on the cross and was ressurected remember? keep gay people from getting married. The next day, he's baptized in the Potomac by Tom DeLay and a dove descends from heaven and hands DeLay a check for five million dollars so he can keep doing the Lord's work. He spends days in the White House planning his Second Coming, the word "Shock and Awe" is used as many times as divinely possible, he promises to use divinely guided smart bombs that will spare American citizens while he dispenses the divine justice that the rest of the World diserves. Of course the rest of his time on Capitol Hill is spent fighting for the removal of environmental restrictions on industries, because stewardship wasn't meant to be applied to creation, and material wealth is more importiant. A high wealth disparity is a biblical principle too, remember that parable about the one guy getting ten talents, while the other guy got five and the last guy got one, probably because he's lazy, the kind of person that liberals would want to give a free ride on welfare, but not Jesus. Wealth should trickle down from the wealthy to the middle and lower classes, if they work hard enough for their talent, of course this is much more work than the guy who got ten talents should be required to do, but that's because God has blessed him more so he doesn't have to work hard or worry about those who are poorer. This is because that is how God's love works, it's showered on the wealthy, and then it gradually trickles down to the middle and lower classes.

However, some invision a liberal Democratic Jesus standing behind a podium announcing a "War on Poverty", which, of course unlike LBJ's, would work...because hey, he's Jesus. His other accomplishments include dismantaling the crimial justice system saying: "Judge not or you too will be judged"...and then signing an affidavit renouncing all of the things that he said that made it into the Bible that dealt with consequences for sin. Jesus (D-Canada) signs a treaty saying that when he comes back to Earth he agrees not to ride into battle on a white horse with a huge sword, without first seeking the approval of the United Nations, and the support of Heaven's European allies. He signs massive tax increases for the weathly because the equal distribution of wealth suddently matters to Him. He is a pro-choice feminist because He somehow forgot to mention in the Bible that life doesn't begin until exactly nine months after conception, and that women are exactly like men in every way, they were just made to look, think and act differently...but saying so is not politically correct so Jesus keeps that on the down low. He authors a bill that gives preference in addmittance to heaven to non-whites because without government help they are less capable of following God than whites, but at his press conference he doesn't mention that, instead he states that as victims of hardship perpetrated by whites, Affirmative Salvation makes up for this, because decisions based on skin color are fine as long as they even out before the End Times. He dosen't believe that the book that He authored is completely factual and should be interpeted literally. Most of it is up for man to interpet the way he wants because he really didn't write it anyway, he just had a bunch of ghostwriters claim that he told them what to write.

I'm having a lot of generalized fun at the expense of this pointless, misguided and stupid debate...but I am also trying to hammer home how absolutely absurd this question absoultely absurd it is to try to shape God to fit your political agenda. Yes, I'm using somewhat exaggerated generalizations, but they are not the the most exaggerated, or generalized things that have ever been said. As absurd as they sound, I have heard something to each effect from the mouths of various politicans and activists. I wish these were isolated incidents, but they're not, not in America...this is the philosophy that runs much of our Government...from the White House to City Councils. This is the frightening assumption of countless Christians who can't seperate their stance on Tax Policy from Theology.

I'm not saying any of this to attack anyone's political beliefs. I am at a poltical identity crisis right now myself...and this issue is the main catalyst actually. I don't think that the self-serving platforms of either party, or minor parties, are divinely inspired nor do I think that God can be manipulated into support any agenda. This is the one question that does not need to be answered. But it most definitely needs to be addressed. I will explain the political side to my thoughts in other threads. I just want people to open their eyes to what they are the way that they are abusing the Biblical message, and how counter-productive the akward forced marrage of politics and religion has been.

I was glad to see that, on the board, many people felt the same way that I do. It gives me hope for my generation, that they might be willing to break this destructive trend.

- Jordan

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