Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Jumping on the Bandwagon

Well I have decided to jump on the blogspot bandwagon. It seems that it's a better fit for me. Livejournal is...well...really highschoolish and I'm definitely not in High School (I'm 21 and in college). I like writing about stuff creativley, not whining about relashonships or how much my friends and parents are treating me like crap (typical live journal material). Of course some very cool people I know have used it...but it's better suited for that stuff than for creative and (hopefully) intellegent musings.

Of course I'm not in a relashonship (ergo the lack of whining about one, allthough I do sometimes whine about not being in one), and my parents and friends are awesome...not to mention of course that, like I said, I'm not in High School. My goal now that I'm done with the semester is to do some creative writing, well, alot of it actually. I have a talent in this area that I have so far failed to expolit. I'm lazy when it comes to things that I don't recieve college credit for...good evidence for the misplacement of my priorities.

I noticed that my good friend Sean Raybuck has joined the blogspot bandwagon as well...at the same time but independently of myself. That is cool. then there is Dan Reiter and Michael Warren Rice on here as well and they are both full of good thoughts as well. I'm hoping that this site will ingnite my creativity, which, I feel, has been really supporesed by school. I spend so much time studying and working that I have little left over for God and my friends...unfortunetly...again, my priorities are often very innapropriately misplaced. I have so much I want to write about and comment on and I am looking forward to doing that, starting today. I will probably also copy some of my better stuff over from my livejournal site (http://www.livejournal.com/users/thrice_shoes/).

I guess that's all I have for now. My goal is to post once and day and do some extensive commenting on issues, current events, my life and all of that jazz...as well as some really random stuff (hopefully).

Take it easy.

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