Friday, December 31, 2004


I always place conditions on my ability to love and the love that I give to people. Why is this? I want nothing more than to just love people reguardless of who they are or what they've done for why can't I do this? Why am I such a jerk to people I don't know? Why do I automatically assume that people I don't know, or don't know well, are jerks themselves. God calls us not only to just love him but to love our "neighbor"...and by neighbor he means everyone. Often I won't show love to people because they are richer than me, better looking than I percive myself to be, have a boyfriend already, are from a particular part of the State as well as a particular part of the Country, because they drive a wastefully large vehicle, because they cut me off in traffic or run a stop or yield sign to get ahead of me, because they listen to music that I consider to be awful, because they have a strong Texas or Southern accent or dialect, because they watch certian sports or tv shows that I think are stupid...and so many more conditions that I often use to justify not loving people.

My attitude is so wrong and I know...but it's been such a strong part of me for as long as I can remember and I don't know how to change it. God help me.

- Jordan

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